Preparing for a memorable meet...
Our experienced single-gent member shares his secrets on how to keep his meets fit for a queen...
Your Queen of Spades is coming to town..... Below are 7 things that could be crucial in keeping everyone satisfied and ensuring your QOS has a great memory of the meeting.
1. Massage cocoa butter, shea butter or essential oils all have a great aroma and feel, a mutual massage can liven up an already electric evening
2. Pouffe a great item for enhanced comfortable options, soft on the torso and with cushions or a pillow under the knees very comfortable. Ideal for late night footsies in front the fire or tv.
3. Lighting not too light or too dark, so a dimmer switch or lamp shade is preferable. Another great option is a lighting strobe that offers kaleidoscope patterns on the ceiling. This can create a good effect for those wanting to try something a bit different.
4. Music Here is my varied playlist / mixtape selection of ten tunes for an entertaining evening in sound.
Prince, Cream
Trey Songz, Chill
Phylis Nelson, Move Closer
Cameo, Attack me with your love
Beloius Some, Imagination
Starley, Call on me Ryan Riback mix
Princess Say I’m your number 1
Rochelle, My magic man
Duran Duran, Make me smile (Come up and see me) Live
Chris Brown, 101 Interlude
5. Aftershave Gaultier, Joop, Kouros any of these will add appeal. Jeremy fragrance has several videos about fragrance for ideas.
6. Hipsters, in my opinion better than boxer shorts, Y-fronts and other options.
7. Attitude All important to communicate with the appropriate attitude and mindset to stimulate your lady.
Inspired by QOS phenomenon